Thursday, June 15, 2006


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As I wrote recently, there is some confusion surrounding the direction the team is taking with certain player personnel. Yesterday, the Toronto Sun attempted to pump John Ferguson Jr. for some much-needed information:

Regarding Tie Domi - is there any possibility the team might buy out his contract?

He remains a Maple Leaf, there is no change," Ferguson huffed. Of course, that doesn’t mean the situation can’t change, only that it hasn’t. Yet.

But don’t feel bad, Leaf fans - Pat Morris, Domi’s agent, told the Fan 590 yesterday that Ferguson has left him in the dark on Domi’s status as well.

“That idiot hasn’t said ‘boo’ to me,” Morris harrumphed. “I feel like beating him to death.”

Okay, okay, so Morris didn’t say that. I just thought it would be funny to write that. But still, Morris has no idea what the Leafs want with Domi, if anything.

Over to the McCabe Mishap, Ferguson reported that - there was nothing to report on McCabe’s contract status. Even though it was reported in the media as a done deal. Two weeks ago.

So - what’s the story, Fergie? Does McCabe want more money?

Did he want to see who will be coaching the Islanders before ruling them out as a possible destination?

Is McCabe’s wife actually wearing the pants in the family, as has been reported?

"I would not attempt to characterize the reason in any way," Ferguson grunted.

Swell. Everybody get that?

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...oh, god, this question sounds hard...

It turns out that the Sun managed to corner Ferguson yesterday after his return from a trip to Cleveland, where he was working through the Owen Nolan grievance hearing this week - oh yeah, that guy. Nolan wants the Leafs to pay him $10.3 million (US dollars) in lost salary, claiming that the Leafs misdiagnosed a knee injury. The grievance has been put on hold for now, and expected to resume in August. Any idea when that might be settled, Fergie?

“It could go on longer than August, it’s hard to say," Ferguson groused.

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A first rounder, Alyn McCauley, and Brad Boyes.
Hey, I'm just sayin'.

So - to summarize, Domi is still a Leaf, for now, McCabe cannot be "characterized" (what the hell does that mean?), and he has no idea when Owen Nolan’s robbery of, ahem, grievance against the Leafs might be sorted.

I wish I was making this up. Why does Ferguson talk to the media all?

“I'm not disclosed to bespeak any such information to you, nor would I, even if I had said information you want, at this juncture, be able.”

No, Fergie didn't say that. That's a line from Fight Club.

But I had you fooled for a second, didn't I?


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